Monday, July 16, 2007

Addicted to reality...

Reality TV took a big spin since Big Brother circa 2000. Before Big Brother, the innocent documentaries, home videos and game shows were the sincere form of unscripted reality. They were a nice break from the Hollywood life. Since Big Brother though, the entire world started tuning in on cameras in people's homes, watching people tangled in emotions, the more embarrassing the better. Advent of reality TV makes it legitimate to laugh at people. Unstaged or pretending to be unstaged, reality TV is one of the best inventions of the TV masterminds.

And ever since I bought a big ass TV, I am completely addicted to all kinds of shows that don't necessarily have me as their target audience. Oh the more junk the better. I don't know why the addiction. Is it the appeal of the unknown world of Heiresses of the Simple Life, the cat fights in Charm School or the teenage drama queens of The Hills? Or is it their characters' vulnerability that makes our life just feel better? Why are we drawn to people humiliating themselves in so many ways when it is on TV? I mean who does not know Chicken of the Sea joke? Is it tuna or chicken?

Currently, my favorite junk reality addictions are The Simple Life and Rock of Love (oh this is the new Charm School and maybe even better). Scott Baio "is 45 and really wanting to get married" drama also seems pretty promising. Summer season of reality TV has been a little slow. No need for despair nevertheless! The new season is kicking off pretty soon and I am sure channel executives will feed us even juicier dramas that will make my years of reality tv exposure look blend. Oh good old days when we thought Jerry Springer was bad. Oh goody! Celebrity Fit Club or Surreal Life would kick Jerry's ass any day... Sad? Hardly... It is my remote and my choice.

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