Sunday, May 20, 2007

Why haven't I thought of this?

Last night I did not feel like going out but everyone did! So I was sitting at home trying to find something to do. It never fails to amaze me that we have over 800 channels on cable and still consistently cannot find a single thing to watch. So instead, I turned to my friend internet and started Googling. I came across a really cool website:

It is not what you initially think it is. It is not a website of personal shoppers who charge you for shopping instead of you. (By the way, I always wanted to have that as a profession! Get paid to shop? Sweet!!!!)

First of all, the business genius lies under the fact that this website is completely free!!! It is such a great business idea! They are a website that have partnered with a bunch of retailers. They have online shopping experts that could help you find the right wine, book, music, movies, tech gadgets, gift for people, baby stuff, high end fashion and budget apparel... etc. They chat with you to understand what you like and help you find it online! And they are very helpful and friendly people.

Now I was chatting with them at 10pm or so. I do not know how easy it would be to chat during the week at their peak hours. But you can also leave them an email and they get back to you with shopping ideas.

Wow, if I was an entrepreneur, this is the type of company I would LOVE to start. Why haven't I thought of this one?

I highly recommend checking it out.

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