Sunday, May 6, 2007

Spencer Krug's Dream

Yesterday, I have discovered one of the merits of Cambridge: Middle East. It is an interesting place. A restaurant run by a couple of cute grandparentsy middle eastern peeps who serve yummy middle eastern food. And sometime after 8-10 pm it is also a music venue. It is a weird scene: The juxtaposition of these dipped-in-sugar grandparents dancing to alternative music along with Boston's alt crowd, who is surprisingly stripped from hipster bingo elements.

Anyways, I was there last night, due to a late night greasy food crave. I then discovered that in an hour, Sunset Rubdown was playing at the venue. It was an awesome food for body and mind combo.

And Sunset Rubdown was actually pretty cool. Much cooler than I gave them credit for when I listened to them months ago when their album Shut up I am dreaming came out. I still think that Spencer Krug did not stray too far from his Wolf Parade days but he is still a genius with plenty of talent to spare for two bands. I thought that the difference between Wolf Parade and Sunset Rubdown is a touch of Decemberists that Sunset seems to channel. Shut up I am dreaming is a hip swinging, head bobbing glam pop hit. I love it! The band is excellent at taking an almost Avril Lavigne worthy (in a good way I promise) catchy tune and adding a wealth of instrumental goodness, that is enchanting and addicting.

They are a humble band with a few jokes up their sleeve as well. They were very engaged with the audience and were funny without being cocky. Spencer sounds like your nerdy alternative best friend. They are awesome to see live.


Anonymous said...

It was an excellent show. I like the album, but I think they come along much better live, it sort of opens up the album in a way.

The new material sounded quite good, he's a very prolific songwriter. I would have liked to hear "The Men Are Called Horsemen There," however, even if it is 23 hours long.

A technorati search of sunset rubdown and middle east led me here, by the way, I casually mention to thereby explain out-of-the-blue comments.

Zeitgeist said...

Glad to hear you enjoyed it too!