Saturday, April 21, 2007

What's going on with South Park and Family Guy?

It is sad to admit that my ten year high school reunion is coming up... As a high school senior, I thought that by my tenth high school reunion, I would be pretty old. Well, now I feel like I was pretty young back then. So perspectives change as we get older right? Don't know really...

Well you might wonder why the title of my post is South Park and here I am blabbering about my tenth high school reunion. So, I was watching the latest South Park: Night of the Living Homeless, after a year long break due to my crappy no brand TV exploding and my refusing to replace it. My facial impressions while watching the show were waivering between a grimace and a faint smile. And I could not help but think why I was not laughing my @ss off. South Park, especially during college (+/- 2 years) has been my absolute favorite TV past time (along with Family Guy). So then I caught a new episode of Family Guy as well and yeah, same thing. I was just not laughing!

Oh my god, I thought to myself. Am I too old to appreciate South Park and Family Guy? Yikes! Then of course I had to consult with my BF on the ramifications of not finding these shows funny. BF and I both agree that our sense of humor is still impeccable. It is South Park and Family Guy that has just gotten mainstream and mundane. They just lost their edge. South Park, although as gory as before, does not tickle you with its caustic sense of humor. And with Family Guy, I am dissapointed by the writers' replacing political and cultural satire by Peter Griffin's sex life.

Then I thought again... I remembered my conversations with dad as a teenager listening to Nirvana. He, as an avid fan of Rolling Stones, Led Zepplin etc, was talking about how modern rock just was not worth listening. He called it mundane and mainstream. (Do you see the striking resemblance between my reaction to new Southpark to his reaction to new rock????) So am I getting too old to appreciate South Park or is South Park coming close to its jubile but refusing to admit? Oh chicken and egg problem...

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