On a flight to Los Angeles, I watched Transformers on a 10 inch screen with bad resolution. And apparently, when you take out the special effects, Transformers is the worst movie ever! As in, ever!
The biggest revelation of the movie was that my favorite childhood cartoon characters are actually GMC-made martians. I am baffled by the logic that connected Transformers to Dodge Martians. Do martians go dumpster diving in Earth's car graveyards? The movie also suggests that Transformers are the most evolved beings and humans have a long way to go in the evolution drive way.
The movie starts in Qatar with American special forces doing something secretive. What are they doing and why are they in Qatar completely escape me... Then a bunch of incoherent things happen through which I was snoozing. There was a half ass love story in there somewhere between two primitive characters with no depth. The main guy is supposed to be deep but in Mr. Bay's definition, deep is just nerdy and awkward. And shallow is I put on lip gloss and wear skanky clothes.
Anyways, the movie has a bad scenario, a half baked plot and very cheese lines. I can almost see Michael Bay chuckling to himself and saying "oh boy, that will be funny!" and the entire set looking at him in awe and suspicion.
Michael Bay has a candid fascination towards alien invasions. This movie proves to me that Michael Bay can do variations on one movie: Independence Day. Bay has no shame in rehashing the Martian attacker idea, souping up special effects with money borrowed from Spielberg and creating Transformers.
And did I mention the 90's music effects to create a pseudo suspension? Oh wow.
The ending was especially fascinating but I am not going to spoil it for you...
I just really love Bumblebee though... He was great.