Solar power + fashion = Zegna?
Rumor has it that Ermenegildo Zegna designed a new Solar-Powered Jacket, which is set to hit stores in November. What a wacky thing? Apparently, you can accumulate solar power with this jacket to charge your phone or ipod while looking like you are an aluminum wrapped stuffed turkey. Definitely not my understanding of high end fashion.
5 hours of direct sunlight and you are able to power your ipod or cell phone. I mean if I have 5 hours to kill, I will go home charge my ipod and cell phone while watching 2 netflix movies instead of standing still under the sun... Really...
I knew that ecological wear is making its headlines in fashion (which for some reason, I don't think will catch on unless Gore makes a documentary out of it) but solar jacket is taking this green concept to a whole new level. A fugly new level...
Oh yeah and this awesome practical jacket comes with a nice price tag too. $750 for a souped up windbreaker. So do you dig it?